
Tips for Healthy Emotion Regulation During Breakups

Our ability to healthily regulate emotions during breakups is affected by our attachment styles. But there are steps you can take to cope better during this difficult time.

Emotional Intelligence & Attachment

Emotional intelligence is a useful tool for successfully navigating relationships. Discover how your attachment style impacts emotional intelligence.

Forming a Secure Attachment to Your Siblings

Insecure attachment can affect the bond we form with our siblings. But it's possible to form a secure sibling attachment at any stage of life - discover how!

Attachment and Music: What Your Favorite Lyrics Say About Your Attachment Style

Our favorite song lyrics have an impact on our ability to feel more secure in relationships. Find out how to make music and lyrics tools for processing attachment insecurity.

How to Be a Secure Base for Your Loved One

Acting as a secure base for a loved one with an insecure attachment style can help them feel less anxious in general, and also more secure in your presence - strengthening the bond in your relationship. 

How to Communicate With an Avoidant Partner

Avoidant attachment can cause a breakdown in communication. These tips can help strengthen the bond in your relationship with an avoidant partner.

The Love Hormone: Oxytocin and Attachment

Our levels of oxytocin (the love hormone) are linked to our attachment styles. Find out how!

Transgenerational Trauma: The Cycles of Insecure Attachment

Insecure attachment can be passed on through our genes. Discover how transgenerational trauma affects our relationships and self perceptions.

The Scare Factor: How Your Attachment Style Influences Your Fears

Are you the type of person that likes to watch a horror movie on your own, enjoying the feeling of fear that tugs at your gut? Did you spend your childhood telling ghost stories or daring your friends to knock at the door of the local “haunted” house? If you did, you’re most certainly not […]

6 Signs Your Attachment Style Is Affecting Your Peace of Mind

From time to time, you may find that you struggle more than usual to achieve balance and peace of mind in your day-to-day life. Perhaps your partner is out of town for a few days, and you feel anxious in their absence. Or maybe you’ve decided to move in together, but you find yourself overwhelmed […]

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Attachment

COVID-19 has influenced our lives in multiple ways. Discover how the pandemic has affected people with the different attachment styles.

Understanding Addiction Through Attachment Theory

Addiction affects and is affected by our relationships. Attachment theory helps us understand the roots and symptoms of addictions.

emotional dysregulation in relationships

Insecure Attachment & Emotional Dysregulation in Relationships

Discover how emotional dysregulation relates to insecure attachment and how it might affect your romantic relationships.

6 Myths About Non-Monogamous Relationships

Despite the rise in popularity, ENM relationships are still stigmatized and widely misunderstood. Read our article to discover more!

Valentine's Day Anxiety

Valentine's Day Anxiety: Don't Let Love Get You Down

This year, don't let expectations, comparisons, and self-doubt get you down. Follow these simple tips to prevent getting stressed out, worried, or lonely.

be kind to one another

Be Kind to One Another: Attachment, Compassion, & Altruism

Discover how attachment styles might impact people's ability to be kind to one another and engage in altruistic behavior.

A girl experiencing different intense emotions.

Understanding & Coping with Intense Emotions - Introduction

Understand the basics behind where intense emotions come from, why we often feel controlled by them, and how we can learn to regulate and cope with them.

planning goals for relationships for the new year

Attachment-Based Goals for Relationships That Last

Inspired to set great New Year's resolutions? Discover tips for setting goals for relationships based on your attachment style.

give thanks to others

Give Thanks & Thrive: 25 Benefits of Expressing Gratitude

To inspire and encourage you to give thanks more often, we share 25 benefits that gratitude can bring into your life.

socializing during the winter holidays

Holiday Socializing Tips that Work for Your Attachment Style

These tips are aimed at helping insecure attachers prevent and better manage anxiety and stress caused by socializing during the holidays.

a list to plan ahead for the holidays

How to Plan Ahead to Avoid Holiday Stressors

Don't let insecure attachment ruin your holidays! Use these simple tips to plan ahead and prevent and better manage holiday stressors.

a woman who has learned how to let go of the past

The Power of Forgiveness: 6 Tips on How to Let Go of the Past

Six science-based tips on how to let go of the past, forgive, and free yourself from emotional baggage.

Jealousy in Relationships: Do Attachment Styles Matter?

We explore how attachment styles are related to the experience and expression of jealousy in relationships.

Heartbroken - Tips to Deal with Heartbreak

Heartbroken? 6 Tips to Cope with a Breakup [+ 15 Self-Help Resources]

We offer 6 ways to change your mindset to get over your heartbreak once and for all.

happy couple outside - secure attachment style

Secure Attachment - from Childhood to Adult Relationships

People who have developed this type of attachment are self-content, easy to connect with and are able to express their feelings.

Disorganized Attachment Causes & Symptoms - Photo of Rebellious Teenagers

Disorganized Attachment: Causes & Symptoms

In adulthood, people with this attachment style are extremely inconsistent in their behavior and have a hard time trusting others.

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