Attachment Theory

Tips for Healthy Emotion Regulation During Breakups

Our ability to healthily regulate emotions during breakups is affected by our attachment styles. But there are steps you can take to cope better during this difficult time.

Emotional Intelligence & Attachment

Emotional intelligence is a useful tool for successfully navigating relationships. Discover how your attachment style impacts emotional intelligence.

Attracting a Partner With a Secure Attachment Style

Attracting a secure partner, even if you have an insecure attachment style, is entirely possible. It just helps to know the signs of secure attachment and understanding how to work towards more secure attachment in your own life first.

Setting Limits: Boundaries and Attachment Styles

Our ability to understand and implement boundaries is affected by our attachment styles. This article covers four key steps to managing boundaries.

Forming a Secure Attachment to Your Siblings

Insecure attachment can affect the bond we form with our siblings. But it's possible to form a secure sibling attachment at any stage of life - discover how!

Attachment and Music: What Your Favorite Lyrics Say About Your Attachment Style

Our favorite song lyrics have an impact on our ability to feel more secure in relationships. Find out how to make music and lyrics tools for processing attachment insecurity.

How to Be a Secure Base for Your Loved One

Acting as a secure base for a loved one with an insecure attachment style can help them feel less anxious in general, and also more secure in your presence - strengthening the bond in your relationship. 

Earned Secure Attachment: Transforming Your Insecure Attachment Style

An insecure attachment style isn't necessarily a life sentence. Find out how to achieve earned secure attachment.

How to Communicate With an Avoidant Partner

Avoidant attachment can cause a breakdown in communication. These tips can help strengthen the bond in your relationship with an avoidant partner.

The Love Hormone: Oxytocin and Attachment

Our levels of oxytocin (the love hormone) are linked to our attachment styles. Find out how!

Transgenerational Trauma: The Cycles of Insecure Attachment

Insecure attachment can be passed on through our genes. Discover how transgenerational trauma affects our relationships and self perceptions.

Adoption and Attachment: Forming a Secure Bond With Your Adopted Child

Adoption gives children a second chance. Find out how adoption impacts attachment and what adoptive caregivers can do to help their child forge a secure bond.

Attachment Styles and Stress Responses

Discover the link between attachment theory and eating disorders. Learn how insecure attachment styles might contribute to eating disorders.

The Scare Factor: How Your Attachment Style Influences Your Fears

Are you the type of person that likes to watch a horror movie on your own, enjoying the feeling of fear that tugs at your gut? Did you spend your childhood telling ghost stories or daring your friends to knock at the door of the local “haunted” house? If you did, you’re most certainly not […]

6 Signs Your Attachment Style Is Affecting Your Peace of Mind

From time to time, you may find that you struggle more than usual to achieve balance and peace of mind in your day-to-day life. Perhaps your partner is out of town for a few days, and you feel anxious in their absence. Or maybe you’ve decided to move in together, but you find yourself overwhelmed […]

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Attachment

COVID-19 has influenced our lives in multiple ways. Discover how the pandemic has affected people with the different attachment styles.

Understanding Addiction Through Attachment Theory

Addiction affects and is affected by our relationships. Attachment theory helps us understand the roots and symptoms of addictions.

Autism and Attachment Theory: Can Autism Influence Attachment and How?

Discover the relationship between attachment theory and autism! Find out how attachment styles can impact the symptoms of autism.

attachment theory and eating dosorders

Attachment Theory and Eating Disorders

Discover the link between attachment theory and eating disorders. Learn how insecure attachment styles might contribute to eating disorders.

Tips for Managing ADHD for Insecure Attachers

Discover a number of powerful strategies to manage ADHD symptoms efficiently. Our tips in this blog post are designed specifically for people with insecure attachment.

What Is ADHD? How Does It Relate to Attachment?

Attachment disorders and ADHD are strongly linked. Discover how insecure attachment style has the potential to worsen ADHD symptoms.

6 Myths About Non-Monogamous Relationships

Despite the rise in popularity, ENM relationships are still stigmatized and widely misunderstood. Read our article to discover more!

be kind to one another

Be Kind to One Another: Attachment, Compassion, & Altruism

Discover how attachment styles might impact people's ability to be kind to one another and engage in altruistic behavior.

A girl experiencing different intense emotions.

Understanding & Coping with Intense Emotions - Introduction

Understand the basics behind where intense emotions come from, why we often feel controlled by them, and how we can learn to regulate and cope with them.

planning goals for relationships for the new year

Attachment-Based Goals for Relationships That Last

Inspired to set great New Year's resolutions? Discover tips for setting goals for relationships based on your attachment style.

a list to plan ahead for the holidays

How to Plan Ahead to Avoid Holiday Stressors

Don't let insecure attachment ruin your holidays! Use these simple tips to plan ahead and prevent and better manage holiday stressors.


The Superpowers of Securely Attached Adults

The social skills of securely attached adults are their personal superpowers and are usually emotionally balanced, calm, and comfortable with intimacy.

The Superpowers of Fearful Avoidant Attachment

In order to reinforce your strengths, you may first need help identifying them.

The Superpowers of Dismissive Avoidant Attachment

Being aware of the negative traits of dismissive avoidant attachment is important. However, you can derive benefits from focusing on the positive aspects.

The Superpowers of Anxious Preoccupied Attachment

Practicing positive psychology can help you to build upon your strengths, increase your self-esteem, and improve your relationships.

attachment relationship

An Attachment Bond isn't in Every Relationship. Here’s Why.

Not every close relationship we form is an attachment relationship...and not everyone we love is an attachment figure.

avoidant attachment relationship triggers

Avoidant Attachment Triggers and Tips for Healthy Self Regulation

Understanding how to self regulate your emotions is an essential skill. However, having avoidant attachment may impact your ability to do so.

anxious attachment style - relationship triggers

Self-Soothing Strategies for Coping With Anxious Attachment

Understanding how to self regulate our emotions and actions is an essential skill to develop. If you are working towards “earned secure attachment”, think of this as a milestone on that path.

Insecure Attachment Children

What is Insecure Attachment and How Does it Develop in Childhood?

Insecure attachment develops if a child feels that their needs are not met.

sad little girl - fearful-avoidant attachment style

How Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style Develops in Childhood

The fearful avoidant attachment is thought to be the most difficult. Sadly, this attachment style is often seen in children that have experienced trauma or abuse.

anxious avoidant attachment in childhood

How Does Anxious Avoidant Attachment Develop in Children?

Anxious avoidant attachment typically develops in the first 18 months of life. During this formative period, a child’s caregiver may have been emotionally unavailable to them most of the time.

What Is Anxious Ambivalent Attachment and What Causes It?

Anxious ambivalent attachment typically develops in children whose caregiver may have acted nurturing and responsive one minute and unavailable or insensitive the next.

Secure Attachment Style - Mother holding baby

How a Secure Attachment Style Develops in Early Childhood

A secure attachment style forms through a special type of bond between children and their caregivers.

Someone filling out a test with a pencil and paper

10 Attachment Style Questionnaire Scientists Use to Measure Attachment Styles

Have you ever wondered how attachment style tests are measured? Or whether the test you are completing is actually reliable?

10 attachment theory mistakes to avoid

10 Attachment Theory Mistakes to Avoid

The most common traps you might fall into when you first discover attachment theory.

casual sex and attachment styles article

Your Attachment Style Influences Your Sex Life [and even Casual Sex]

Attachment styles play a role in the way we approach and experience sex.

Attachment in the workplace

Here's What We Know About Attachment Styles in the Workplace

Attachment styles can affect the way we perform in the workplace - mainly because our work environments include social dynamics.

happy couple outside - secure attachment style

Secure Attachment - from Childhood to Adult Relationships

People who have developed this type of attachment are self-content, easy to connect with and are able to express their feelings.

Attachment Styles - Happy Couple

Attachment Styles & Their Role in Relationships

Research has identified four main attachment styles: anxious / preoccupied, dismissive / avoidant, disorganized and secure.

Avoidant Attachment Style

Avoidant Attachment Style: Causes & Symptoms

Parents who are strict, emotionally unavailable and expect their child to be independent usually raise a child with avoidant attachment.

Disorganized Attachment Causes & Symptoms - Photo of Rebellious Teenagers

Disorganized Attachment: Causes & Symptoms

In adulthood, people with this attachment style are extremely inconsistent in their behavior and have a hard time trusting others.

Anxious Attachment - Attachment Styles

Anxious Attachment: Causes & Symptoms

Low self-esteem, strong fear of rejection or abandonment, and clinginess in relationships are common signs of this attachment style.

Attachment Project - Negative Feelings - Blog Post

5 Practical Ways to Manage Your Anger & Negative Feelings

We will discuss a few aspects of managing anger and negative emotions.

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